Welcome CPParent
The www.CPParent.org web site supports the CPParent email list. CPParent is a group of parents, caregivers and others who work with children with cerebral palsy.
More information about this support group and to subscribe see CPParent Listserv.
The CPParent Listserv is hosted by Syracuse University at: http://listserv.syr.edu/archives/cpparent.html
Subscribe to the CPParent Listserv:
On Facebook:
CPParent Administrator:
CPParent Listserv: Here we can discuss our children's accomplishments and defeats, knowing that the audience includes others who know what we are going through. We can also get some idea of how others address specific problems/concerns with feeding, learning, schools, medical resources, techniques and equipment, as well as describing the problems to friends and family or just coping.